Experimental Investigation of Rectangular Concrete Sections Confined with GFRP

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Structures and Earthquakes, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


By studying the behavior of concrete structures, several factors such as design and calculation mistakes, and the lack of proper implementation and changes in building regulations and changes in structural structures, etc., will result in the evaluation and re-evaluation of the design and construction, in order to improve it if necessary. In this paper, using experimental studies, GFRP has been studied to determine the criteria for determining the design of seismic rehabilitation and improvement of existing structures as well as new constructions. In this study rectangular Concrete has been tested. The results show that the sample with 1 layer of GFRP was 27% stronger than the control sample, and the sample with 2 layers of GFRP had a 46% increase in strength to the control sample, and the specimen strength with 3 layers of GFRP increased by 59% with respect to the control sample and also specimen with 4 layers of GFRP have a 69% increase in strength to the control sample, and with increasing number of layers , the ductility of the specimen increases.


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