Experimental study of the effect of cement content, aggregate size and application of microsilica on the permeability of roller compacted concrete

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University Dehaghan Branch, Dehaghan, Iran


roller-compacted concrete is a type of concrete with a slump of zero and is transported, spread and compacted by machinery used in soil compaction operations operations. Application of this type of concrete in the construction of dams and the role of permeability in the design of dams has increased the importance of identifying the factors affecting the permeability of roller-compacted concrete. In this research, the effect of cement content, maximum aggregate size and the application of microsilica and the role of wet curing of joints on the permeability of roller-compacted concrete were considered. Therefore, by making laboratory samples and conducting permeability tests, the optimum amount of the replacement of cement with microsilica and also the effect of maximum aggregate size were investigated. The results showed that optimum cement content was 110 kg / m3, and as the maximum size of aggregates increased, permeability increased, too. In addition, the optimum amount of microsilica replacement with cement was 20% of the cement content. Also, the permeability of joints can be reduced by observing proper operating conditions and wet curing.


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