Experimental Investigation of Local Scour around Bridge Pier Group

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Hydraulic Water and Structures, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 ِDepartment of Geotechnical and Water Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


The main scope of the present study is to evaluate the maximum scour depth in clear water conditions around the pier groups with two layouts (two-pier layout and three-pier layout). The distance and the angle between piers have been variable. The distance between piers (G) in both layouts was between 2D and 10D (D is the circular pier diameter) and the angle between flow direction and piers alignment in two-layout was between zero and 90 degrees. The results of two-layout showed that by increasing the distance between pier from 2D to 10D, the maximum scour depth around the first and the second pier increased and then decreased. The maximum scour depth around the first and the second piers peaked at 1.19 (in 5D) and 1.09 (in 4D) times greater than maximum scour depth around single, respectively. In addition, for increasing the flow attack angle from zero to 90 degrees, the maximum scour depth around the second pier increased by 14%. The results of three-pier layout showed that by increasing the distance between pier from 2D to 10D the maximum scour depth around the first and the second pier increased and then decreased. The maximum scour depth around the first and the second piers peaked at 1.18 (in 4D) and 1.07 (in 5D) times greater than the maximum scour depth around single, respectively. The maximum scour depth around the third pier peaked at 0.86 times greater than the maximum scour depth around the single pier in 6D.


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