Investigating the Problems of undertaking Soil Bioengineering Research, used in Riverbanks Protection

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

2 Department of Water Structures, School of Water Engineering, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran


Combination of soil and plant roots can increase the strength of soil and stability of slope riverbanks.  Structural methods are more commonly used to stabilize the riverbanks. Erosion and slumping of soil occur along the significant length of riverbanks, the protection of which involves substantial costs. Therefore, protection of riverbanks with Bio-Engineering methods not only is consistent with environmental aspects and protection of river ecology but also lowers the costs. Mechanical and hydrological properties of plant are important in applying vegetation point of view. Technical properties and engineering of plant species can be understood better by using field investigations. However, it is more complicated and difficult to undertake field works due to the effect of various factors in comparison with laboratory research. Considering the increasing trend of using Bio-Engineering in slope stability, this study aims to investigate problems associated with undertaking field research in Bio-Engineering projects. The results of this study show that, selecting appropriate site to undertake research project, ensuring adequate number of relevant plants in the site, determining the best time to start and end the research project, choosing appropriate excavation methods, considering and resolving mapping problems, determining the number and diameter of roots, performing tests to determine root resistance, looking after roots until performing relevant tests, using appropriate device for tension tests and determining proper clamp are among important problems in undertaking soil Bio-Engineering research.
