Stiffness and Settlement Experimental Study of Reinforced Sand Bed including Soft Pocket under Rectangular Model Footing

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Meybod University of Applied Sciences


The aim of this study is to investigate the settlement and stiffness of reinforced sand bed including soft pocket under rectangular model footing. The experiment initially was conducted on the model footing rested on sand bed. Then foam element was inserted in preset position for providing soft pocket condition. The foam distance from footing beneath, and the foam dimensions were examined as variable parameters. Results show that foam with B width create soft pocket condition at 2B distance of footing base and existence of soft pocket increase the footing settlement and decrease the stiffness and bearing capacity of foundation. By progressing the tests, the foam element was initially positioned in the sand bed and then the reinforcing elements were rested at the top of foam continued by loading the model footing. The bearing capacity, stiffness and settlement of sand bed were extracted from the load-settlement curves. The optimum values of reinforcing elements were obtained for reaching the ultimate bearing capacity. Results revealed that adding of reinforcement increased the bearing capacity and stiffness and decreased the settlement of foundation.
