The usage of UAV photogrammetry for DEM calculation

Document Type : Research Paper


Civil engineering Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


Having a lot of wondrous benefits, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are widely used for an array of applications in engineering and military sciences for several purposes. Without a shadow of doubt, the merits of using UAVs is not comparable with other Surveying techniques. The main aim of utilizing these kinds of technology would be gathering field data with high accuracy which will otherwise is colossal waste of time and expenditure. Digital elevation model is one of the most significant part of each project. Producing this data with old methods is not acceptable due to time and price of these kind of old approaches. DEM can be produced with manual, semi-automatic and automatic techniques by applicability of UAVs technology gathering images in very short time and convert them into DEM maps with the usage of photogamarty methods. The main purpose of this study is generating new method or approach for producing digital elevation model (DEM) with the use of UAVs data. In this research 11 control point (GCP) were gathered by RTK GPS method for improving the accuracy of final results. The accuracy of this model is 2.23 cm. With regard to the accuracy of the result, this approach can be utilized instead of many surveying techniques, or as a supplement data, or it can help organizations to use it as an approach for monitoring and assessing the accuracy of each project.
