Military Installations Site Selection with Passive Defense Considerations (Case study: Mazandaran Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


Civil engineering Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


According to the strategic position of Iran in the Middle East region and the continued presence of foreign threats it is essential to take different measure to protect military installations.One of the measures that can prevent internal damage is passive defense. One of the important principles in passive defence is the proper site selection.For this purpose, Geographic Information System (GIS) equipped with high processing power and capability of voluminous information management can help commanders and designers.The aim of this research is to find a suitable site for military installations and equipment considering the principles of military safety and passive defense. This research was carried out at two levels of detail in Mazandaran province. At the large level, the effective factors were determined by the experts and the factor maps were prepared. Then, the maps were weighted using AHP method and were overlayed using Index Overlay approach. The results of this level showed that the most appropriate area is Chahardange district located in Kiasar county. Therefor, with the goal of taking uncertainty into account, fuzzy method was used. Therefore, the factor maps were fuzzified and by adopting a strict approach, fuzzy product function was used. Consequently the maps were combined using fuzzy product and the proper site was detertmined. Evaluation of the results by field researches revealed that the determined site has the proper conditions for the purposes of the research.


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