Laboratorial study of clay soils Meybod south-western in terms of dispersivity and collapsibility

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran

2 university of Yazd, Yazd, Iran


Problematic soils are those soils that have technical and engineering problems such as collapse or crack in the buildings. Making geo-technical observations in order to recognize soil kind, before commencing the projects can help to avoid damage and crack of the structure due to the existence of problematic soils. In this research south-western part of Meybod was chosen for survey because of existence of some earth depressions and building cracks. Results of soil mechanics tests consist of moisture content, specific density, specific gravity, grading by hydrometer, Atterberg limits, pinhole, double hydrometer, 1dimensional consolidation and soil mineralogy (XRD, XRF) on 8 touched and 4 intact samples that derived from 1,3,4 meters boreholes are as: According to one- dimensional consolidation test, Collapsibility Potential average in two boreholes and severe in the third borehole that seems ground depressions and building damages were due to this issue. Based on soil dispersion tests (pinholes, double hydrometer and mineralogy) dispersivity potential of the area was measured very low. The predominant element and clay mineral were silicon and illite. mineral respectively that make no problem for soil and structures. However, when illite is transformed into bidellite due to evolution, it will cause dispersion of the soil.


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